Message from School Leadership:

Principal and Vice Principal

Message from our Principal -
Ms. Preeti Sharma

“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding” – Albert Einstein.
Albert Einstein’s thought provoking words are not just words but are the beacons of light that can guide our Lost, thirsting souls into a universe filled with global, peace and brotherhood. The world today, is battling with confrontations amongst nations, the constant violations of human rights and the everLooming threats of destruction and annihilation. What we desperately need are citizens who are all well versed with the futility and nihilism of wars and in whose hearts and minds peace find resonance.
Through APSMUN, we hope to provide a unique opportunity to engage our students in more productive dialogues, while developing strong friendship bonds. The conference will draw attention not only to a sensitive issue of social cohesion but also issues of global importance through different committees. The focus will be on concrete solutions and ways to make our world a better and more secure place to live.
The youth is rising and building a new future-they see the truth of Mahatma Gandhi’s words- “We must become the change we want to see in the world”- even as they obey their heart, follow their dreams and beat their own trail. Their path of hope, courage, honesty and hard work will create a world whose ‘golden age ‘is not beyond but ahead of us. So, I sincerely look forward to offer you a warm hospitality and tremendous support in making this conference an incredible experience.
I also extend my best wishes to the delegates and greetings to one and all.
Looking forward to brainstorming sessions ahead.

Message from our Vice Principal -
Mr. Jaivir Dagar

I firmly believe in the statement, "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams", as an educationalist my aim is to develop and nurture 21st century skills among our young learners and make them global citizens. We want to provide an opportunity to all young learners to express their viewpoints on various issues, thereby taking first step towards achieving solutions to questions on a global scale. We want to help the dedicated youth as we aim at preparing them to become global ambassoders carrying the message of peace, brotherhood and unity all around the globe. Let us work together to make it a successful and memorable one!